Perfect Cheese Pairings for Ham

What Kind of Cheese Goes with Ham?

When it comes to culinary pairings, few combinations are as delightful as ham and cheese. Understanding how to pair these two ingredients can elevate your dishes, whether you’re crafting a gourmet sandwich, a charcuterie board, or a comforting meal. In this article, we’ll explore the best cheeses to pair with ham, the different types of ham, and creative serving suggestions to enhance your dining experience.

Understanding Ham

Types of Ham

Ham is not just one single product; it encompasses a variety of types, each offering distinct flavors and textures. Here are some common types of ham you might encounter:

  • Country Ham: This is a dry-cured ham that has a strong flavor, often salty and slightly sweet. Its robust taste makes it an excellent choice for pairing with tangy cheeses.
  • Prosciutto: An Italian dry-cured ham that is thinly sliced and has a rich, buttery taste. Prosciutto is known for its delicate flavor and pairs beautifully with mild cheeses and sweet accompaniments.
  • Black Forest Ham: A German-style ham that is smoked and has a slightly sweet flavor. Its smoky undertones work well with creamy cheeses.
  • Honey Baked Ham: A spiral-cut ham glazed with honey and spices, offering a sweet and savory profile. The sweetness of this ham makes it a favorite for pairing with sharp or tangy cheeses.

Each type of ham brings its own unique flavor profile, which can significantly influence your cheese choice. For more details on different types of cheese, visit this guide on cheese pairings.

Old fashioned ham and cheese butter swim biscuits

Flavor Profiles of Different Hams

Understanding the flavor profiles of various hams is essential for pairing them with the right cheese. Here are some insights:

  • Sweet Hams (like Honey Baked Ham): These hams have a syrupy sweetness that pairs well with tangy or sharp cheeses. The contrast creates a delightful balance that enhances the overall flavor.
  • Savory Hams (like Country Ham): These hams are rich and salty, complemented by rich and creamy cheeses. The creaminess of the cheese helps to mellow the saltiness of the ham.
  • Smoked Hams (like Black Forest Ham): The smoky flavor of these hams is best paired with nutty or slightly sharp cheeses that can stand up to the intensity of the smoke.

By understanding these flavor profiles, you can make more informed choices when pairing ham with cheese.

Cheese Basics

Types of Cheese

To create the perfect pairing, you need to know the different types of cheese available. Here are some categories:

  • Soft Cheeses: Creamy and rich, these cheeses often pair well with sweet or savory hams. Their texture adds a luxurious mouthfeel to any dish.
  • Hard Cheeses: Aged cheeses with robust flavors that can stand up to the intensity of certain hams. They often have a more complex flavor profile due to the aging process.
  • Blue Cheeses: These have a strong flavor that can contrast beautifully with the saltiness of ham. The sharpness of blue cheese can enhance the overall dish when paired correctly.

How Cheese is Made

Understanding how cheese is made can deepen your appreciation for its flavors. The process involves:

  1. Curdling Milk: Using rennet and acids to separate curds from whey. This is the foundational step in cheese-making and affects the cheese’s final texture.
  2. Draining: Removing the whey to form cheese. The amount of whey removed influences the moisture content of the cheese.
  3. Aging: Allowing cheese to mature, which develops its flavor and texture. Some cheeses are aged for just a few weeks, while others can be aged for several years, resulting in significantly different taste profiles.

Flavor Profiles of Different Cheeses

Each cheese type has its flavor profile that can either complement or contrast with the flavor of ham:

  • Soft Cheeses: Creamy, tangy, and mild. They often provide a luscious mouthfeel that balances the saltiness of ham.
  • Hard Cheeses: Nutty, sharp, and complex. The aging process brings out deep flavors, making them excellent companions for savory hams.
  • Blue Cheeses: Bold, pungent, and salty. Their strong flavor can elevate the taste of sweet hams by providing a delightful contrast.

These profiles will guide your cheese choices when pairing with ham.

Cheese Pairings with Ham

Now that we’ve established the basics, let’s dive into specific cheese pairings for different types of ham. Each pairing enhances the overall dish, creating a memorable dining experience.

Soft Cheeses

1. Brie
Brie is a soft cheese with a creamy texture and mild flavor. It pairs wonderfully with sweet hams like Honey Baked Ham, as the creaminess balances the sweetness. You can serve it on a cheese board alongside fruit preserves or honey to enhance the flavors further.

2. Goat Cheese
Goat cheese has a tangy flavor that can enhance the savory notes of Country Ham. Its creaminess also adds a delightful texture. Consider spreading goat cheese on crostini topped with slices of country ham for a delicious appetizer.

3. Cream Cheese
Cream cheese is versatile and can be used in spreads or dips. It complements the sweetness of hams well, making it a great addition to charcuterie boards. Mix cream cheese with herbs and spices for a flavorful dip to accompany your ham and cheese pairing.

Hard Cheeses

1. Cheddar
Aged cheddar has a sharp flavor that pairs excellently with savory hams. The contrast between the sharpness of cheddar and the saltiness of Country Ham creates a delicious balance. Try creating a grilled cheese sandwich using aged cheddar and slices of country ham for a hearty meal.

2. Gruyère
This Swiss cheese is nutty and rich, making it a perfect match for Black Forest Ham. The nutty flavor enhances the smoky taste of the ham. Gruyère works beautifully in a savory quiche or melted over a ham and cheese sandwich.

3. Parmesan
Parmesan’s intense flavor can stand up to any type of ham. It works particularly well in pasta dishes that include ham, adding a savory depth. Consider making a pasta primavera with diced ham and freshly grated parmesan for a comforting dish.

Old fashioned ham and cheese butter swim biscuits

Blue Cheeses

1. Gorgonzola
Gorgonzola has a creamy texture and strong flavor that pairs well with sweet hams, providing a contrast that many find delightful. This cheese can be crumbled over a salad with figs and honey for a sophisticated touch.

2. Roquefort
This French blue cheese has a sharp, tangy flavor that complements the savory notes of various hams, especially prosciutto. Spread Roquefort on a cracker topped with a slice of prosciutto for a simple yet elegant appetizer.

Additional Pairing Suggestions

To create a truly memorable meal, consider pairing your ham and cheese with complementary ingredients. These pairings can elevate your dish and create a more well-rounded flavor profile.

Complementary Ingredients

  • Fruits: Fresh fruits like apples, figs, and pears add sweetness that can balance salty hams. Try serving sliced apples with cheddar or fig preserves with goat cheese.
  • Nuts: Walnuts and almonds provide crunch and richness. Incorporate nuts into your cheese board for texture and flavor.
  • Spreads: Adding honey, mustard, or fruit preserves can enhance the flavor profile. For example, honey drizzled over brie and ham creates a delightful balance of sweet and savory.

Wine Pairings

Choosing the right wine can enhance your meal even further. Here are some great wine options to pair with ham and cheese:

  • Chardonnay: Pairs well with soft cheeses and honey-baked ham. Its buttery flavor complements the creaminess of the cheese.
  • Pinot Noir: Complements the rich flavors of aged cheddar and savory hams. Its light body and acidity make it a versatile choice.
  • Prosecco: A sparkling wine that works well with sweet hams and creamy cheeses. The bubbles add a refreshing contrast to the richness of the dish.

Creative Serving Ideas

Once you’ve selected your cheese and ham, it’s time to get creative with your presentation. How you serve these pairings can make a significant difference in the dining experience.

Cheese Boards

Creating a cheese board is an excellent way to showcase your ham and cheese pairings. Include a variety of cheeses, hams, fruits, nuts, and crackers for guests to enjoy. Here are some tips for building the perfect cheese board:

  1. Select a Variety of Textures: Include soft, hard, and blue cheeses for a range of flavors and textures.
  2. Add Color: Incorporate fresh fruits like grapes or berries for a pop of color.
  3. Provide Different Accompaniments: Add honey, mustards, and jams for guests to experiment with their pairings.
  4. Include Crackers and Bread: Offer a selection of crackers and artisanal bread to complement the cheeses.
  5. Use Garnishes: Fresh herbs or edible flowers can add a beautiful touch to your board.

For a full guide on assembling the perfect cheese board, refer to our Cheese Board Essentials.


Making gourmet sandwiches with ham and cheese can be a satisfying meal. Here are some creative sandwich ideas:

  • Ham and Brie Sandwich: Layer slices of brie and honey-baked ham on a baguette, adding arugula for freshness.
  • Cheddar and Country Ham Sandwich: Use aged cheddar with country ham on toasted bread. Add some spicy mustard for an extra kick.
  • Prosciutto and Goat Cheese Panini: Create a panini with prosciutto, goat cheese, and arugula on ciabatta bread. Grill until crispy and golden.

Our recipe for Ham and Cheese Sliders is a great option for a party or gathering.

Charcuterie Platters

A charcuterie platter featuring various hams, cheeses, and accompaniments is perfect for gatherings. Here’s how to create a stunning charcuterie platter:

  1. Choose a Base: Start with a wooden board or slate for an elegant presentation.
  2. Arrange Meats and Cheeses: Place your sliced hams and cheeses in an appealing arrangement. Use different shapes and sizes for visual interest.
  3. Add Complementary Items: Fill in gaps with fruits, nuts, and spreads. Consider including olives, pickles, or marinated vegetables for extra flavor.
  4. Label Everything: Use small labels to identify each type of cheese and ham for your guests.
  5. Include Serving Utensils: Make sure to provide cheese knives and toothpicks for easy serving.


What cheese goes best with ham?

The best cheese for ham depends on the type of ham. Generally, sharp cheeses like cheddar and creamy cheeses like brie are popular choices.

Can you pair sharp cheese with ham?

Yes, sharp cheeses like aged cheddar complement savory hams by balancing their saltiness.

What are some unique cheese and ham pairings?

Consider pairing prosciutto with blue cheese or country ham with goat cheese for unique flavor combinations.

Is there a cheese that doesn’t pair well with ham?

While personal preferences vary, very mild cheeses may not stand up to the bold flavors of some hams.

What wines go well with ham and cheese?

Wines like Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Prosecco pair beautifully with ham and cheese dishes.


Pairing cheese with ham opens up a world of flavors and culinary possibilities. By understanding the types of ham and cheese available, as well as their unique flavor profiles, you can create delicious combinations that enhance any meal. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different pairings, ingredients, and serving styles to find your perfect match. Enjoy the delightful journey of flavor exploration with your next ham and cheese creation!

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